Ten Artists, Ten Visions of Joy
I’m really excited to say that my work has been accepted in a juried show next month at the NEW Rockcliffe Home and Art Fair. The show will be called Ten Artists, Ten Visions of Joy. The work will be up for two days, November 8 and 9 at 380 Springfield, the Community Hall in Rockliffe, Ontario, a wonderful Art Deco space.
Two and three dimensional artists join hands to show some of the finest artwork from Ontario and Quebec under on roof: the felter Donna Troop (www.sfelt.ca) who metamorphoses this ancestral craft into jackets filled with life and colour; the man who brings the soul out in wood, Lionel Bedard (www.belgreenwood.com); the porcelain magician Michelle Lemire (www.solartceramic.com); the milliner, Madeleine Cormier (www.chapeauxdemadeleine.ca) who started making hats because of her grandmother; painters who travel far and wide: Debbie Milling (www.debbiemilling.com); Tina Ding (www.tinadart.ca); Danielle Pare (www.daniellepare.com) who have captured the beauty, landscapes and joy of their respective visions to life; the fine art jeweller Pamela Coulson (www.disegnojewellery.ca) whose golden creations light up a room; the black and white photographer Helene Anne Fortin with her moving portraiture and me, Tracy Carefoot with my human-scale sewn and painted sculptures of wildflowers.
For more info check out http://tenvisionsofjoy.wordpress.com/
There is no charge for entry. Doors open at 10am. Hope to see you there!